Agriturismo Fonte Belvedere

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Aprile 21, 2015

Best coastal towns in Tuscany

Which are the top coastal towns in Tuscany? Here we take a stroll through the region’s most scenic, atmospheric and dazzling seaside destinations. From all-time favourite Viareggio on the Versilia coast, to family-friendly Follonica, and romantic Castiglione della Pescaia and Porto Ercole – we’ve collected a list of our favourites.

Seaside towns are synonymous with long strolls, gelato, lazy days and sunset aperitivi. It’s about trying to find the perfect fish restaurant. It’s about sipping an iced coffee at an open air table caressed by the sea breeze. It’s about relaxing in the fragrant shade of a pine grove. And losing track of time while you watch the yachts rocking softly in the port.


Viareggio is one of the most renowned seaside towns in Tuscany, loved by families, the young and the old alike. The art nouveau buildings, built over a century ago in its heyday, give it a chic and dreamy quality. Here life still revolves around the Passeggiata, the 3 kilometre long promenade with luxury hotels and family pensioni on one side, shops and locales of all sorts on the other. Viareggio is not about sea views. All you see from the lungomare are the entrances to the bathing resorts .

This is a place to savour Italian beach life at its most civilised, with a touch of old-world charm. Beach huts, bars, gelaterie, games for kids and elegant shops are in plentiful supply. After a lazy day spent in one of the nicely organised bagni or bathing establishments, the evening sees people get dressed up in their summer finest to do a bit of window shopping, or go for an after dinner drink along the waterfront promenade.


La Digue has a unique atmosphere, where the rhythms of true island living still beat loud, and where the bicycle and ox-cart are the main modes of transport. Take a leisurely bicycle ride through palm-lined avenues to Anse Source d’Argent, which is counted among the finest (and certainly the most photographed) beaches in the world. La Digue beaches are truly in a class of their own, with their imposing granite boulders that meet crystalline waters on a beaches of the softest, pure-white sand.


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4 pensieri su “Best coastal towns in Tuscany

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